
Ciolek's coat of armsThe Historical Geography of the Ciolek clan AD 950-1950

Est.: 15 Mar 2009. Last updated: 17 May 2019.
Edited by: T. Matthew Ciołek moc.keloic|keloicmt#moc.keloic|keloicmt

Work in progress

WARNING: This is a work in progress. Contents of this wiki site will be developed, verified and improved upon for several long months. Any of the data pages and maps (esp. details of place names, dates, and geographical coordinates) may change suddenly, as well as change several times in short succession.

Therefore, this work should not be depended on in any manner by other scholarly or popular projects until the current label 'work in progress' is removed from this site. - tmc, March 2009.

Welcome to the "Historical Geography of the Ciołek clan" wiki site.

(Witam na stronicach wiki pt. Geografia Historyczna Ciołków w latach AD 950-1950).

This site aims to

* collate hitherto widely dispersed fragments of geographical and historical information regarding the Ciołek clan.
* catalog available geographical and historical materials,
* crosscheck the collected data and verify their relevance, accuracy, and precision.
* finally, georeference, and map (using GIS and Google Earth technologies)

as many as possible of the settlements (villages, towns, and cities) which are substantially linked to the 1,000 years long history of the Ciołek clan and some of the related families and individuals in Poland and Europe between AD 950 and 1950.

T. Matthew Ciołek moc.keloic|keloicmt#moc.keloic|keloicmt

Canberra, March 2009.

Suggested citation format /Sugerowana forma notatki bibliograficznej:

Ciolek, T. Matthew. 2009-present. The Historical Geography of the Ciolek clan AD 950-1950.
Canberra: www.ciolek.com - Asia Pacific Research Online.

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